EV Firefighting Submersion Pool


The Mayim™ Barrier

Battery Water Submersion Pool For
Electric Vehicle Fires

EV Fire supression

Surround electric vehicle fires by submerging the lithium battery to extinguish fires more quickly.

With the number of electric vehicles on the roads growing, so is the inevitable risk of EV fires.

Because of the difficulty in fighting EV fires, even trained firefighters spend hours, and thousands of gallons of water putting out an EV fire.  

Furthermore, water used in fighting EV fires is often contaminated and finds its way into storm drains, sewers, or surrounding properties.

Even once a fire is out, the chance of re-ignition of the lithium battery is high, due to stranded energy. As a result, there have been many situations where tow trucks towing burned electric vehicles find themselves on fire due to re-ignition of the battery. Cars moved to scrap yards have also re-ignited, sometimes hours, or even days, after the original fire event.

To help firefighters deal with EV fires, Garrison Flood Control has developed the Mayim™ EV Firefighting Water Pool Kit, an easy to deploy series of interlocking barriers that create a sealed area, or pool, that can be filled with water. As the water rises, the EV’s battery is submerged.

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Electric fires tend to be more difficult than gas fires to extinguish. Collisions trigger the majority of fatal fires. Car fires also caused an estimated $1.9 billion in property damage losses in the U.S.

To help firefighters deal with EV fires, Garrison has developed the Mayim™ EV Firefighting Pool Kit. 

Interlocking panels are stored on a trailer or on a firetruck, ready for deployment around the perimeter of an EV fire. Firefighters can then flood the pool with water and foam, helping to submerge the vehicle, particularly its battery. This helps extinguish the fire faster and more comprehensively, as the car becomes submerged in water.

When the EV fire is deemed to be put out, contaminated water can be drained through an integrated 2” fire hose coupling in one of the panels.

As some EV fires spew fire out of vents in the lithium battery, each kit includes two fiberglass fire blankets, that are placed in front of panels that may be exposed to flames, protecting them against damage, until the water level rises to flood the battery.


Speed of Deployment.

A typical EV pool would utilize 40-50 straight sections and 12 corner pieces to create a 4-sided pool around a vehicle fire, however some scenarios require terminating the barrier against a fixed wall such as an adjacent building.

A full sized deployment would take 3-4 firefights 15-20 minutes, assuming there is access to the burning vehicle and the barriers can be brought near to the site for placement.

It is recommended that a steady stream of water be maintained on the vehicle throughout the installation of the barriers, to keep perimeter temperatures down and to prevent damage to the panels from stray flames or heat.

The panel barriers are most vulnerable before the pool is filled and it is recommended that the included fire blankets be placed, in conjunction with a steady stream of water, to protect barrier sections that may be exposed to flames during installation.


Each EV Fire Fighting Kit Includes.

The Mayim EV Pool Kit includes enough barriers to provide a perimeter enclosure, with clearance to the vehicle. The kit is sized to provide sufficient sections to surround most electric vehicles, including Tesla’s, Rivian’s, Ford Mustangs, and Chevy Volt’s.


  • 50ea Mayim Barrier Straight sections (20” tall) - To create a perimeter of 100ft

  • 12ea Mayim Barrier Inward Curve sections - To create 4 corners

  • 2 End Gables - To abut to fixed building or walls to create a seal

 * Less sections may be deployed for smaller vehicles and more for larger vehicles.

Total Price:  $8608.63

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